JUNGLE CRY follows the incredible journey of 12 underprivileged children who came from the most extreme tribal areas, playing sports barefoot and went on to win the prestigious U14 Rugby World Cup in England.

The ‘Jungle Crows’ rugby team came from the Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences in Orissa, India which has over 30,000 children from tribal, underprivileged and orphaned backgrounds and strives to eradicate poverty through education and sports. The inspirational team, along with coaches Rudraksha Jena and Paul Walsh MBE, went on to make Indian and British history.

Jungle Cry

1h 57m

Director: Eytan Rockaway
Cast: Abahy Deol,  Emily Shah,  Atul Kumar,  Stewart Wright,  Julian Lewis Jones

UK Release: Cinemas 20th May 2022