The 3-time BAFTA Award-winning hand-drawn animated feature follows the epic adventure of Michael, a young boy who sets off with his family on the sailing trip of a lifetime. Excitement turns to terror when a violent storm erupts, and Michael and his dog, Stella, are swept overboard. They are washed up onto a remote island, frightened and struggling to survive. Michael soon discovers he is not alone when confronted by Kensuke, a mysterious Japanese man who has secretly lived on the island since World War II and is angry at Michael’s arrival. However, when poachers threaten their fragile island paradise and the animals that live there, Michael and Kensuke join forces to save their secret world.

Kensuke's Kingdom

1h 25m

Director: Neil Boyle and Kirk Hendry,
Cast: Cillian Murphy, Sally Hawkins, Raffey Cassidy, Aaron MacGregor, Ken Watanabe

UK Release: Cinemas 2nd August 2024