The film follows Jimmy, played by Cavan native Aaron Monaghan (MAZE, Assassin’s Creed), on his road to redemption after returning to his hometown. Stuck in a Groundhog Day-like purgatory, Jimmy embarks on a sacrificial and outlandish journey to rid himself of his guilt and shame from the past, ultimately redeeming himself through love. The eclectic cast from Irish stage and screen includes Aisling O’Mara and Kieran Roche along with comedian Kevin McGahern (Republic of Telly), the Oscar-nominated screenwriter Shane Connaughton (My Left Foot), and author Pat McCabe (The Butcher Boy, Breakfast on Pluto).

Redemption Of A Rogue

1h 35m

Director: Philip Doherty
Cast: Aaron Monaghan, Aisling O’Mara, Kieran Roche

UK Release:  Cinemas and Curzon Home Cinema 1st October 2021