Inspired by remarkable true events, multi award-winning writer Emmanuel Courcol’s rousing, Cannes-selected directorial debut follows a dedicated out-of-work actor (indelibly played by the fabulous Kad Merad) whose life takes an unexpected career turn. Disillusioned and divorced middle-aged thespian Étienne (Merad) accepts an arts rehabilitation role, leading a theatre workshop group at a correctional facility, under the watchful eye of open-minded but cautious warden Ariane (Marina Hands). His program attracts a motley group, and Étienne, surprised by the raw talent he unearths, comes up with the idea of workshopping Beckett’s “Waiting for Godot”. To the surprise of many, the play’s existential themes prove to be a natural fit for the inmates, and the connection between the cast and their kind-hearted director grows stronger with every rehearsal... though not without exception, and some very unexpected ramifications.

The Big Hit

1h 45m

Director: Emmanuel Courcol
Cast: Kad Merad, David Ayala, Lamine Cissokho

UK Release: Cinemas 24th June 2022