This psychological tale of terror follows the Baxter family, who, after a challenging time, move to the countryside for a fresh start. Tim (Greg Hobbs Downton Abbey, The Quiet One) is grappling with PTSD from 22 years of military service, while stepdaughter Mindy (Jade CallenderHello Au Revoir) struggles to connect with her stepfather and mum Elaine (Diane EllisBrumville) is trying to hold everything together.

Their hopes for a happier family dynamic are crushed when Tim’s disorder seems to develop into something more sinister... With the line between trauma and terror becoming increasingly blurred, what exactly is the Baxter family up against and can they overcome it?

The Devil Came Home

1h 30m

Director: George McCluskey
Cast: Greg Hobbs, Diane Ellis, Jade Callender

UK Release: Digital Platforms 24th June 2024