"THE GROUP," follows the harrowing journey of Kara (Portrayed by Evangelina Burton), a heroin addict seeking redemption after a tragic past mistake drove her away from her support group six months prior. She returns, desperate for one last chance to right her wrongs. However, within the support group, tensions simmer beneath the surface, threatening to explode at any moment. Forgiveness is a scarce commodity, and as old wounds resurface, it becomes evident that not everyone is willing to bury the past. The group's fragile dynamic takes a chilling turn when a new member, Jack (Played by Dylan Baldwin), brandishes a firearm during a meeting, taking everyone hostage. Suddenly, their struggle for personal redemption transforms into a fight for survival. Jack imposes a sinister ultimatum – he demands that each member confess their darkest sins, and if he deems them worthy of mercy, he might release them. These individuals, searching for a higher power to guide them, find themselves at the mercy of a new and malevolent force. As the cycle of confession and betrayal unfolds, fractures within the group deepen. Will they find a way to set aside their differences long enough to mount a collective effort to escape this dire situation, or will their own demons be their undoing? "THE GROUP" delves into the depths of human desperation and the price of seeking redemption in the most dire circumstances.

The Group

1h 14m

Director: Will Higo
Cast: Evangelina Burton, Dylan Baldwin, Luke Dayhill, Jennifer Aries

UK Release: Digital Platforms 2nd September 2024