This supernatural revenge thriller tells the story of Joy (Ploy Sornarin), a young woman from the country, who travels to the city to work as a housemaid at the fabulously wealthy house of Uma (Savika Chaiyadei) and Nirach (Teerapat Sajakul). Joy is the replacement for their previous maid who suddenly ‘resigned’ in mysterious circumstances. Her duties include the care of their young daughter Nid (Keetapat Pongrue) who suffers with frightening hallucinations that are attributed to a rare hereditary brain condition.
Mrs. Wan (Natanee Sitthisaman), the head housemaid, tells Joy that there are two unbreakable household rules – never pry into the master’s business and never enter the mistress’s bedroom. Joy experiences odd occurrences as she wanders the eerie house and is confronted by the apparition of another maid, a ghostly presence that only she and Nid can see. Ignoring Wan's warning she sneaks into Uma's study at night and finds a photo of Uma, Nirach, and housemaid Ploy – Joy’s sister who disappeared years ago.